Individual Ordinary Members:
Members of any branch of the legal profession in the United Kingdom and Turkey and academics in law working with any university in the UK or in Turkey.
£100 (UK)
£50 (Turkey)
Law firms, legal consultancies and sets of chambers established in the United Kingdom or Turkey.
£200 (UK)
£100 (Turkey)
Companies and organisations, not being law firms or similar.
£300 (UK)
£150 (Turkey)
Law students at any university in the UK or Turkey.
£20 (UK)
£10 (TURKEY)
Data Protection Act 1998
The BTLA will hold information relating to you which is subject to the Data Protection Act 1998. By making this application you consent to the BTLA processing, both manually and by electronic means, your personal data for the purposes of the administration and management of your membership of the BTLA and/or the BTLA’s business. “Processing’ includes obtaining, recording or holding information or data and carrying out operations on the information or data.